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The flagship achievement that has been achieved by the UNEJ Postgraduate at the international level is the establishment of international cooperation between the Postgraduate University of Jember and Universities in Germany, South Korea, and Japan. The collaboration is in the field of students’ mobility and lecturer research.

UNEJ Postgraduate has excellent research in the fields of biological engineering for agriculture and biological engineering for medicine.
Postgraduate students at UNEJ can obtain scholarships from the government of the Republic of Indonesia (e.g., BPDN, LPDP, and Affirmation Scholarships) after going through a selection process. Internally, the University of Jember also provides Postgraduate scholarships for foreign students taking courses in the Postgraduate Program at the University of Jember.

The academic atmosphere at the Postgraduate Program of the University of Jember is built in a safe, comfortable, and conducive situation so that all forms of Tri-dharma services at the Postgraduate Program can run optimally. Acceleration, transparency, and accountability can be felt by both internal and external stakeholders, as a result of the use of technology-based services in most parts of the sectors. In this digital era, instructional services at the Postgraduate Program are no longer carried out face-to-face but also carried out online because hybrid models of instruction are proven to be more flexible in providing services to higher education students as the main stakeholders.

With adequate facilities and infrastructure as well as conducive academic atmosphere, education, research, and community services at the University of Jember grow, develop, and provide enthusiasm for the academic community to develop their respective careers.

The Postgraduate Program is an education program above the bachelor’s degree, which includes master’s and doctoral degree programs. At the University of Jember, the Postgraduate Program is given the authority to manage a multidisciplinary program, while Faculties are given the mandate to manage a monodisciplinary program.

Postgraduate education at UNEJ is located in both the Postgraduate Buildings and Faculty Buildings of the University of Jember. The green campus atmosphere and well-organized layout add to the comfort of studying at the University of Jember. Classrooms at the Postgraduate programs have been designed as digital classrooms, connected to a fast internet network. To support teaching and research activities, students are free to use the digital library, the language center, and various kinds of laboratories. C-DAST stands for The Integrated Laboratory and the Center for Advance Science and Technology has been internationally recognized and has received an ISO accreditation certificate.